Ministry Opportunities

Outreach Ministries


We provide training in a biblical philosophy and relevant methods of evangelism.  Our students will have the opportunity to share the gospel with unsaved friends, family, and strangers while they are home for Evangelism Weekend.


Teaching kids when they are young is essential for them to follow Christ when they are adults. Learn valuable skills in working with kids and help them grow in their relationship with God on a weekly basis.


Reaching youth and challenging them to grow in their faith is vital to the growth of Christianity. Students will practice this by engaging with youth during Recharge and Summer Camp.


Through the Cross-Cultural Studies program, students will experience Christian faith ministry by loving on, supporting, and encouraging believers of another culture. Students will have the opportunity to come alongside fellow Christians and minister to them and to their communities in ways that they think would be most helpful to them.


Throughout the school year, students will have the opportunity to minister to churches in Ontario.


Students will participate in discipleship groups throughout the school year. They will learn and become equipped to lead others in a discipleship group so that they can “go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19) whether in their neighbourhood, local church, or wherever God leads them.

Camping Ministries


As each winter weekend approaches, the hype of Recharge (snow camp) takes over campus! Hundreds of youth travel to our campus over the winter to grow as a group and hear about God’s love. Our students learn the inside operations of a ministry and fill key roles including program, tech, operations, and customer service.

Summer Camp

Sunny days + Exciting games + Campfires = Summer Camp! Every student participates in a summer ministry, and what better place than Word of Life Youth Camp serving alongside their classmates! Students fill key roles for camp, including counselling, program, and operations.

Creative Arts Ministries


“Sing to the Lord, all the earth; proclaim his salvation day after day.”
(1 Chronicles 16:23)

Students can audition for a variety of music ministry positions, including a campus praise team to lead their fellow classmates in worship, and Recharge praise team to create an exciting environment for snow camp sessions.


The stage is a fun, interactive way to introduce and reinforce biblical teaching. Students can audition for the cast of our Recharge drama production. Various roles include acting, set creation, and tech.